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Why Horror?

This essay first appeared, in a slightly less finished form, in Canvas. I sat on it awhile before posting. Horror has been called the most moral of the genres, perhaps because it deals in calamity, in inexorable events and the experiences of small human victims, witnesses, collaborators. Because human existence is prone to repeated visitations from monstrosity […]

My History with Horror

  I will begin with withered leaves blowing through an empty fairground, tent canvas gulping and gulping, and the seats on the dark Ferris wheel creaking, rocked by ghostly fairgoers. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.   My first encounter with horror was a book of ghost stories I sneaked […]

Where Wake Came From

Note  As a blogger’s introduction to Wake I’ve decided to transcribe what I wrote in my journal some months into my writing the novel. I had returned to it after a break, finally seeing what it was doing and what it might be for. I have used letters or a long dash to replace some […]